Acta Pharm. 60 (2010) 407-413
Mini review
Development of a selective biopharmaceutical from
Herpes simplex virus type 1 glycoproteins E and I for blocking antibody
mediated neutralization of oncolytic viruses
“Rhoen Klinikum AG” Hospital, 97616 Bad
Neustadt ad Saale, Germany
October 22, 2010
Future cancer therapies will be molecular cures. They will correct, block or destroy cancer cells by targeting molecular changes that lead to carcinogenesis. Destroying cancer cells can be done using oncolytic viruses. By blocking antibody mediated neutralization of oncolytic viruses, Herpes simplex virus type 1 glycoproteins E and I could be used in the adjuvant treatment of cancer for improving the chances of oncolytic viruses to kill cancer cells in vivo.
Keywords: cancer therapies, Herpes simplex virus type 1 glycoproteins
E and I, antibody mediated neutralization of oncolytic viruses