Acta Pharm. 67 (2017) 569-578


full paper

Short communication


The influence of the plasma on physical properties of the ointments with quercetin


1 Department of Applied Pharmacy, School of Pharmacy and the Division of Laboratory Medicine, Medical University of Silesia, Poland

2 Department of Applied Pharmacy, Medical University of Łódź, Poland

3 Pharmaceutical Research and Production Plant "Biochefa", Sosnowiec, Poland

Accepted September 25, 2017

Published online November 29, 2017


Effects of two independent variables – the content of quercetin (0 or 1 or 1.5 or 5 %) and the content of plasma (0 or 2 or 4 or 6 %) – on the organoleptic properties and rheological parameters of model formulations prepared on an amphiphilic base were estimated. The consistency of all ointments was uniform, and the content of quercetin and plasma lay within the predefined range. Tested ointments are non-Newtonian systems. The content of quercetin and plasma was found to have a significant effect on the rheological properties of the ointments. An increase in the content of plasma in ointments was accompanied by a significant increase in their hardness, viscosity and shear stress and a reduction of their spreadability. The best rheological properties were shown by formulation F-3, containing 1.5 % of quercetin and 2 % of plasma.


Keywords: quercetin, plasma, ointment, rheological property