Acta Pharm. 61 (2011) 63-71
Original research paper
Reduction in cisplatin genotoxicity
(micronucleus formation) in non target cells of mice by protransfersome gel
formulation used for management of cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma
1 School
of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Rajiv Gandhi Technical University, Airport Bypass
Road, Gandhi Nagar, Bhopal (MP)-462036, India
2 Jawaharlal
Nehru Cancer Hospital and Research Center, Post Box. No. 32, Idgah Hills,
Bhopal-462001 (MP) India
Accepted December 29, 2010
Cisplatin-loaded protransfersome system was prepared and characterized for in vitro drug permeation, drug deposition and antitumor effect. A histopathological study and a genotoxicity study were also done. The skin permeation data from protransfersome gel formulation of cisplatin revealed 494.33 ± 11.87 µg cm-2 drug permeation, which was significantly higher than that from the control plain drug solution in 0.9 % NaCl (p < 0.001). Untreated group of animals showed invasive moderately differentiated keratinizing squamous cell carcinoma (malignant stage). However, with cisplatin loaded protransfersome gel system simple epithelial hyperplasia (pre-cancerous stage) with no cancerous growth was observed. Also, a significant induction in micronucleus formation was found in the group that was treated with injectable intraperitoneal cisplatin preparation in 0.9 % saline as compared to the group treated with topical protransfersome gel formulation. The findings of this research work appears to support the improved, site-specific and localized drug action in the skin, thus providing a better option to deal with skin related problems like squamous cell carcinoma.
Keywords: cisplatin, protransfersome, topical chemotherapy, genetic
damage, bone marrow cells, micronucleated polychromatic erythrocytes