The Uncorrected Proofs


After the authors have received the letter of acceptance and have paid the publication fee, the uncorrected version of their article appears instantly on our web site. It provides DOI and dates of acceptance and online posting.

This „early bird“ version of the article has been made available at this early stage in order to  provide the fastest access to the article and is not intended to be the final version. The manuscript will undergo copyediting, typesetting and review of the resulting proof before it is published in its final form. To be noted that changes to the article should not be requested at this stage; for the proofreading the authors will be contacted by the Editor. This first version of the article will be replaced by the final version as soon as the latter becomes available and moved from „Uncorrected proofs“ to the „Papers in press“.


Full paper in pdf

T. Yin, H. Wang and Y. Zou

Application of network pharmacology, bioinformatics, computational molecular docking, and experimental validation to study the anticancer effects of oleanolic acid in oral squamous carcinoma cells


Full paper in pdf

R. Z. Mawlood and K. Abdoulrahman

Acute toxicity and hepatoprotective effect of Arum maculatum on rat liver cirrhosis induced with thioacetamide


Full paper in pdf

Z. J. Wang, X. C. Liu, Z. Y. Gao, W. D. Shi and W. C. Wang

FOXD2-AS1 is modulated by METTL3 with the assistance of YTHDF1 to affect proliferation and apoptosis in esophageal cancer


Full paper in pdf

R. Vázquez-Cancino, S. Rodríguez-Morales, N. Del Carmen Jiménez-Pérez, O. A. Peña-Morán, L. Cerón-Romero, I. Sánchez-Lombardo, A. Yair-Hidalgo, N. Romero Ceronio, C. Alvarado-Sánchez and O. Hernández-Abreu

Untargeted metabolic analysis using LC-Q-TOF-MS and toxicity assessment of Eryngium foetidum in zebrafish embryos